Friend, Chinese Proverb

衣莫若新 人莫若故

- 中國俗談

Friendship is like wine - the older, the better.

- Chinese Proverb

Betrayal, Cáo Cāo

「寧我負人,毋人負我!」 - 曹操 Translation: "I'd rather betray others, than have others betray me." Statement in 190, after falsely killing Lü Boshe. Source: Sun Sheng Zaji, page 5 of Sanguo Zhi. - Cáo Cāo (曹操; 155 – 220 March 15) Cáo Cāo (曹操; 155 – 220 March 15) was a Chinese military leader, a regional warlord and the penultimate Chancellor of the Eastern Han Dynasty who rose to great power during its final years in ancient China. As one of the central figures of the Three Kingdoms period, he laid the foundations for what was to become the Kingdom of Wei (also known as Cáo Wèi) and was posthumously titled Emperor Wu of Wei (魏武帝)

History, Li Keqiang

The forces of justice and the Chinese people -- and the people elsewhere who love peace -- will never accept any comments or actions that seek to deny or glorify the past history of fascist aggression.

- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (May 27, 2013)

History, Li Keqiang

By looking into a mirror, one can make sure that he is dressed properly. Only by facing history squarely, can one creat a future.

- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang (李克强), the Potsdam Conference n the state of Brandenburg, Germany (May 2013)

Advice, Chinese Saying

By looking into a mirror, one can make sure that he is dressed properly.

- the ancient Chinese Saying