Xuanxuan Shangren(玄玄上人)
Alternative Names(異名):
Xuanxuan Shangren, 玄玄上人
Xuanxuan Shangren (玄玄上人) was the first supra-being incubated from Tao, according to an introduction by Lao Tsu (道祖老子) in a Taoist guidance book called The Feast of the Immortal Peaches (scroll one chapter one). The same genesis in the Chinese creation story was also explained in a second guidance book called Tiantang Yiuchi 天堂遊記 (Text Reference No.1) whereby it was described that out of the primodial infinite Nothingness or Wuji (無極) came Taiji (太極 ), which then split into the binary yin and yang (陰陽) or two aspects (兩儀), yin and yang slitting into the four realms (四象) and from which begets bagua (八卦) , and from which every beings were created. The following texts were traceable to the legendary emperor Fuxi as well as Tao Te Ching:
無極生有極, 有極是太極,
太極生兩儀, 即陰陽;
兩儀生四象: 即少陰、太陰、少陽、太陽,
四象演八卦, 八八六十四卦
Text Reference No.1 - passage from Chapter Four of Tiantang Yiuchi “...即是「玄玄上人」,又稱「元始天王」。因位居至上,又稱「上帝」。又為萬物之始祖,...運轉既滿週圓,氣自分散...玄玄上人為造化天地,用心默運真,五方定位,世界成形,無人可立,而三才不貫,…原由無極 (Wuji) 元始一動而生太極 (Taichi),太極含兩儀(two aspects) 陰陽 (yin and yang),而化三才四象(Four Realms) 五行(Wu xing)……。”
See also
Chinese mythology
Chinese creation story
Chinese folk religion
I ching
Chinese mythology stubs | Taoism | Chinese mythology | Creation stories | Concepts of Heaven
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